Results for 'Ersula J. Ore'

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  1.  32
    Twenty-first century discourses of American lynching.Ersula J. Ore - 2023 - Critical Discourse Studies 20 (5):508-523.
    In the last 25 years increased violence against Black Americans by police and white vigilantes has led to a resurgence in lynching discourse. This article examines two strains of twenty-first century lynching discourse in America with attention to questions of historical erasure and racial appropriation. The move from justificatory discourses of lynching to rhetoric stigmatizing its practice led to two distinct discursive forms: a rhetoric of memorialization that reads Black women as part of the lynching archive and a rhetoric of (...)
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    Ore Oystein. Theory of equivalence relations. Duke mathematical journal, vol. 9 , pp. 573–627.J. C. C. McKinsey - 1943 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 8 (2):55-56.
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    ‘Purpureo bibet ore nectar’: a reconsideration.J. S. C. Eidinow - 2000 - Classical Quarterly 50 (2):463-471.
    ‘To attempt to say anything new about Horace may seem absurd.’ To attempt to say anything new about the Roman Odes may seem still more absurd; my purpose, nevertheless, is to reconsider the lines ofCarm. 3.3 set out above, and to reinterpret an argument begun by the editor of the Delphin Horace (1691) in which the authority of Bentley is against me. My question is: what does Horace mean the reader to understand by describing Augustus as drinking nectar ‘purpureo ore’?
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    Niels Henrik Abel, Mathematician Extraordinary. Oystein Ore.J. Scott - 1958 - Isis 49 (4):462-462.
  5.  19
    Review: Oystein Ore, Theory of Equivalence Relations. [REVIEW]J. C. C. McKinsey - 1943 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 8 (1):55-56.
  6. Apologétique et dialogue interreligieux.J. -M. Aveline - 1998 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 86 (4):491-573.
    Proposant quelques réflexions suggérées par 1a Lettre de 1896 sur fond de questionnement contemporain , J.-M. Aveline examine d'abord le rapport entre théologie chrétienne et dialogue interreligieux, et l'évolution de la toute récente théologie des religions depuis Vatican II. L'intérêt de la relecture de Blondel dans cette perspective est d'abord de prévenir les facilités, impasses et illusions dans lesquelles la vieille apologétique s'était enferrée, et de donner les conditions d'un véritable dialogue. Pour dépasser les limites d’un pluralisme conçu comme simple (...)
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    The Metaphorical Sense of ΛΗΚΥΘΟΣ and Ampulla.J. H. Quincey - 1949 - Classical Quarterly 43 (1-2):32-.
    The application of λκθος ànd its derivatives and the Latin terms ampullae and ampullari to the turgid or elevated style of poetry or oratory has provoked such a variety of explanations amongst modern and ancient commentators that it would be a tedious business to examine them all in detail. The ancient commentators on Horace, Ars Poetica, 11. 93–7 interdum tamen et vocem comoedia tollit, iratusque Chremes tumido delitigat ore; et tragicus plerumque dolet sermone pedestri Telephus et Peleus, cum pauper et (...)
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    Hereditary Eloquence Among the Torquati: Catullus 61.209-18.S. J. Harrison - 1996 - American Journal of Philology 117 (2):285-287.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hereditary Eloquence Among the Torquati: Catullus 61.209–18S. J. HarrisonTorquatus volo parvulus matris e gremio suae porrigens teneras manus dulce rideat ad patrem semihiante labello.sit suo similis patri Manlio et facile omnibus noscitetur ab insciis et pudicitiam suae matris indicet ore. 1At the close of Catullus’ lyric epithalamium for a Manlius Torquatus, the speaker of the poem wishes for children from the marriage, a standard epithalamial topic in this position; (...)
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    Conceptual Change.Nancy J. Nersessian - 1998 - In George Graham & William Bechtel (eds.), A Companion to Cognitive Science. Blackwell. pp. 157–166.
    Much of the attention of philosophy of science, history of science, and psychology in the twentieth century has focused on the nature of conceptual change. Conceptual change in science has occupied pride of place in these disciplines, as either the subject of inquiry or the source of ideas about the nature of conceptual change in other domains. There have been numerous conceptual changes in the history of science, some more radical than others. One of the most radical was the chemical (...)
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    (1 other version)Cassirer et Heidegger. Un Siècle après Davos.Emmanuel Faye, J. Lassègue & F. Rastier (eds.) - 2021 - Paris IIe: Kimé.
    Bien au-delà de la seule philosophie, le débat à Davos en 1929 entre Cassirer et Heidegger a marqué l'histoire des idées. Il a même donné naissance à des récits passablement légendaires qui négligeaient le contexte historique précis. Un nouveau regard s'impose, à la lumière des œuvres publiées depuis lors. Les vingt-cinq tomes de l'édition allemande de référence de Cassirer ne sont disponibles que depuis 2007.0S'y s'ajoutent les dix-sept tomes du Nachlass depuis 2017. Des 102 volumes de la Gesamtausgabe de Heidegger, (...)
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    Virgil's Lapiths.Michael C. J. Putnam - 1990 - Classical Quarterly 40 (02):562-.
    Few details in Virgil's description of the underworld have elicited more comment than his treatment of the sinners Ixion and Pirithous quid memorem Lapithas, Ixiona Pirithoumque? quos super atra silex iam iam lapsura cadentique imminet adsimilis; lucent genialibus altis aurea fulcra toris; epulaeque ante ora paratae regifico luxu; Furiarum maxima iuxta accubat et manibus prohibet contingere mensas exsurgitque facem attollens atque intonat ore.
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    Les théorèmes du moi.Nicolas Grimaldi - 2013 - Paris: Bernard Grasset.
    Le sentiment que j'ai de moi-meme a-t-il rien de commun avec la perception que les autres ont de moi? Et ce corps, qui me precede toujours, que dit-il a autrui de ma vraie nature, de mes gouts, de mon etre secret? Ainsi, aussi inseparable que je sois de mon apparence, celle-ci signale immanquablement celui que je ne suis pas tout a fait. En d'autres termes: mon corps est-il l'expression de mon moi ou mon moi est-il le prisonnier clandestin de mon (...)
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  13. .J. G. Manning - unknown
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  14. Resilience: Warren P. Fraleigh Distinguished Scholar Lecture.J. S. Russell - 2015 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 42 (2):159-183.
    This paper argues that human psychological resilience is a central virtue in sport and in human life generally. Despite its importance, it is an overlooked virtue in philosophy of sport and classical and contemporary virtue theory. The phenomenon of human resilience has received a great deal of attention recently in other quarters, however. There is a large and instructive empirical psychological literature on resilience, but connections to virtue theory are rarely drawn and there is no agreement about what the concept (...)
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    Imagination: a study in the history of ideas.J. M. Cocking - 1991 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Penelope Murray.
    Many writers have paid tribute to its power: Shakespeare urged his audiences to use it to create a setting; Hobbes asserted that "imagination and memory are but one thing; " for Wordsworth it was "the mightiest leveler known to moral world; " and to Baudelaire it represented "the queen of truth. " Imagination as artistic, poetic, and cultural predicate remains one of the most influential ideas in the history of Western thought. It has been simultaneously feared as a dangerous, uncontrollable (...)
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  16. The method of alternating chains.J. W. Addison - 1965 - In The theory of models. Amsterdam,: North-Holland Pub. Co.. pp. 1--16.
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  17.  18
    Van der Walt, B J & Naude, C F B - Chrisianity and democracy in South Africa: A vision for the future.M. J. Manala - 1999 - HTS Theological Studies 55 (2/3).
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  18. (2 other versions)Knowing God.J. I. Packer - 1973 - Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP, an imprint of InterVarsity Press.
    For half a century, J. I. Packer's classic has helped Christians everywhere discover the wonder, glory, and joy of knowing God. This fiftieth anniversary edition of a thought-provoking work seeks to renew and enrich our understanding of God, bringing together knowing about God and knowing God through a close relationship with Jesus Christ.
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    Le point de vue flamand sur les relations culturelles et linguistiques en Belgique : Exposé de J. Van Eynde.J. Van Eynde - 1963 - Res Publica 5 (1):3-8.
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  20. On using the multiverse to avoid the paradoxes of time travel.J. Abbruzzese - 2001 - Analysis 61 (1):36-38.
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  21. Index of Authors Volume 6, 2002.J. Agarwal, J. P. Angelidis, R. Bampton, D. F. Bean, C. A. Bianco, S. M. Bosco, J. Brinkmann, W. S. Brown, J. P. Buerck & C. J. Coate - 2002 - Teaching Business Ethics 6 (495).
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    15. Zu Laevius.J. Becker - 1851 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 6 (1-4):362-365.
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  23. Wil en daad.J. Bergmans - 1946 - Antwerpen,: De Sikkel. Edited by A. R. van Cauwelaert.
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  24. Natur damcaniaeth wyddonol.J. Daniel - 1984 - In Meredydd Evans (ed.), Y Meddwl cyfoes. Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru.
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    Das Geschlocht von dies.J. B. Hofmann - 1938 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 93 (1):265-273.
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  26. A ideologia de Paulo Freire: notas biográficas, gênese ideológica do pensamento freireano..J. Simões Jorge - 1979 - São Paulo: Edições Loyola.
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  27. Ḥuz̤ūr dar hastī.J. Krishnamurti - 1993 - Tihrān: Nashr-i Guftār. Edited by Muḥammad Jaʻfar Muṣaffā.
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    Lorenz, Edward N.: The Essence of Chaos, UCL Press, 1993, 227 págs.J. M. Montequi - 1995 - Anuario Filosófico:171-172.
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  29. Science et ethique.J. P. Naisse (ed.) - 1987 - Bruxelles: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles.
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    De l'humanisme au rationalisme.J. B. Sabrié - 1970 - Genève,: Slatkine Reprints.
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  31. Intuitive suggestion.J. [Oseph] W.[Illiam] Thomas - 1901 - London [etc.]: Longmans, Green, and co..
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    Religion After Science: The Cultural Consequences of Religious Immaturity.J. L. Schellenberg - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this provocative work, J. L. Schellenberg addresses those who, influenced by science, take a negative view of religion, thinking of it as outmoded if not decadent. He promotes the view that transcendently oriented religion is developmentally immature, showing the consilience of scientific thinking about deep time with his view. From this unique perspective, he responds to a number of influential cultural factors commonly thought to spell ill for religion, showing the changes – changes favorable to religion – that are (...)
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    On the mechanical properties of indium antimonide.J. W. Allen - 1957 - Philosophical Magazine 2 (24):1475-1481.
  34.  48
    J. B. Rosser and A. R. Turquette. Axiom schemes for m-valued functional calculi of first order. Part II. Deductive completeness. The journal of symbolic logic, vol. 16 , pp. 22–34. See Errata, ibid., p. iv.Burton Spencer Dreben, J. B. Rosser & A. R. Turquette - 1951 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 16 (4):269.
  35. Le retour de l'eschatologie.J. -M. Glé - 1996 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 84 (2):219-251.
    L'eschatologie a marqué la théologie chrétienne du XXe siècle. Initiateur en ce domaine, R. Bultmann entreprend une herméneutique « existentiale » et « démythologisante » de la prédication apocalyptique de Jésus, mise en lumière par J. Weiss et A. Schweitzer : en Jésus Dieu prononce la parole définitive qui m'appelle aujourd'hui à la décision de foi et à l'existence authentique. La théologie apprend ainsi à parler de Dieu avec sens en parlant de l'homme. Avec J. Moltmann, le futur est désenclavé (...)
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  36. Rose, H. J., A Handbook of Latin Literature.C. J. Prescott - 1936 - Classical Weekly 30:267-268.
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    The Compactness of Gödel Logic.J. P. Aguilera - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-9.
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  38. Graduate Citizens? Issues of Citizenship and Higher Education.J. Ahier, J. Beck & R. Moore - 2006 - British Journal of Educational Studies 54 (1):121-123.
  39. Aspects of the Language of Latin Poetry.J. N. Adams & R. G. Mayer - unknown - Proceedings of the British Academy 93.
    International array of contributors, bringing together both traditional and more recent approaches to provide valuable insights into the poets’ use of language.Covers authors from Lucilius to Juvenal.Of the peoples of ancient Italy, only the Romans committed newly composed poems to writing, and for 250 years Latin-speakers developed an impressive verse literature.The language had traditional resources of high style, e.g., alliteration, lexical and morphological archaism or grecism, and of course metaphor and word order; and there were also less obvious resources in (...)
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    Tarski's theory of definability: common themes in descriptive set theory, recursive function theory, classical pure logic, and finite-universe logic.J. W. Addison - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 126 (1-3):77-92.
    Although the theory of definability had many important antecedents—such as the descriptive set theory initiated by the French semi-intuitionists in the early 1900s—the main ideas were first laid out in precise mathematical terms by Alfred Tarski beginning in 1929. We review here the basic notions of languages, explicit definability, and grammatical complexity, and emphasize common themes in the theories of definability for four important languages underlying, respectively, descriptive set theory, recursive function theory, classical pure logic, and finite-universe logic. We review (...)
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    Edmund Husserl's Freiburg Years: 1916-1938.J. N. Mohanty - 2011 - Yale University Press.
    In his award-winning book _The Philosophy of Edmund Husserl: A Historical Development_, J. N. Mohanty charted Husserl's philosophical development from the young man's earliest studies—informed by his work as a mathematician—to the publication of his _Ideas_ in 1913. In this welcome new volume, the author takes up the final decades of Husserl's life, addressing the work of his Freiburg period, from 1916 until his death in 1938. As in his earlier work, Mohanty here offers close readings of Husserl's main texts (...)
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    Self-Representation and Illusion in Senecan Tragedy.C. A. J. Littlewood - 2003 - Oxford University Press UK.
    C. A. J. Littlewood approaches Seneca's tragedies as Neronian literature rather than as reworkings of Attic drama, and emphasizes their place in the Roman world and in the Latin literary corpus. The Greek tragic myths are for Seneca mediated by non-dramatic Augustan literature. In literary terms Phaedra's desire, Hippolytus' innocence, and Hercules' ambivalent heroism look back through allusion to Roman elegy, pastoral, and epic respectively. Ethically, the artificiality of Senecan tragedy, the consciousness that its own dramatic worlds, events, and people (...)
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    Van Huyssteen, J W -Essays in Postfoundationalist Theology.G. M. J. Van Wyk - 1999 - HTS Theological Studies 55 (4).
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  44. Peter M. Hart Alexander J. Wearing.Alexander J. Wearing - 2000 - In Walter J. Perrig & Alexander Grob (eds.), Control of Human Behavior, Mental Processes, and Consciousness: Essays in Honor of the 60th Birthday of August Flammer. Erlbaum. pp. 480.
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  45. «quisque In Sphaera Sua»: Plato’s States-man, Marsilio Ficino’s Platonic Theology, And The Resurrection Of The Body.J. Allen - 2007 - Rinascimento 47.
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    Fleeing the Stadium: Recovering the Conceptual Unity of Evagrius’ Acedia.J. L. Aijian - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (1):7-20.
    The definition of acedia presents unique conceptual problems among the eight Evagrian logismoi. Its descriptions are so complex and varied as to render the concept seemingly incoherent. This article argues that the conceptual unity of acedia has been obscured by the translation of Evagrian logismoi into the ‘deadly sins’ tradition, resulting in a category error. Acedia is more properly understood, not as a psychological state or a sin, but rather as an array of demonic temptations with the unifying end-goal of (...)
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  47. An Aristotelian Argument About Virtue'.J. L. Ackrill - 1978 - Paideia 7:133-137.
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    La consonance imparfaite, Maurice Merleau-Ponty et la psychanalyse.Thamy Ayouch - 2012 - Lormont: Le Bord de l'eau.
    C'est "par ce qu'elle sous-entend ou dévoile à sa limite - par son contenu latent ou inconscient - que la phénoménologie est en consonance avec la psychanalyse", écrit Maurice Merleau-Ponty en 1960, dans la préface à l'ouvrage de Angelo Hesnard L'Oeuvre et l'esprit de Freud. Singulière euphonie, que celle ici entendue entre deux disciplines habituellement opposées dans leurs définitions : l'une centre en effet ses recherches sur la conscience, l'autre sur l'inconscient ; la première s'en tient à la description la (...)
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    Nr.10.Lateinische grammatik.J. Bartelmann - 1849 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 4 (1-4):146-168.
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    Recht als model van rechtvaardigheid: beschouwingen over vage en scherpe normen, over binding aan het recht en over rechtsvorming.J. M. Barendrecht - 1992 - Deventer: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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